About Us

The Team

LamdaStudy was founded by Physics student Nathan Durrant. Seeking support in subjects outside his speciality, Nathan asked fellow student Alexander Simpson to join the team to allow for LambdaStudy to have Biology and Chemistry content.

Nathan Durrant

I’m Nathan, founder of LambdaStudy. At A-Level I studied Physics, Maths, Further Maths, and Computer Science. I also completed an Extended Project / EPQ during my first year of Sixth Form; the title was ‘To What Extent Has String Theory Limited Modern Physics?’. I chose these subjects so that I could work towards my goal of becoming a Physicist. I hope to study Mathematics and Physics at univesity level starting 2023.

I started LambdaStudy so that I had somewhere to place my notes. Having a website offers exceedingly good motivation; not only are you helping yourself, other people can benefit off of it! I plan to work on this over the coming years, continuing to build and develop this platform.

Outside of study, I enjoy watching Formula 1 and British Superbikes, playing video games (albeit badly) and flying RC planes (not paper planes!!).

I hope you find this website useful as you find it, but if you find any problems on your way or have something you want adding, do not hesistate to contact me at nathan@lambdastudy.com.

Please do not hesistate to contact me if you have queries regarding the following:

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • General Website Issues

Alexander Simpson

Hi, I’m Alex - a student at Spalding Grammar School, and a principal contributor for LambdaStudy. For my A-levels I studied Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Further Mathematics, the optional modules of which my cohort undertook include Further Mechanics 1 and Decision 1.

I chose Biology, Chemistry and Maths as I have longed to be a doctor since I was about 7 years old. Indeed, at the time of writing, I have succeeded in obtaining a conditional offer to read Medicine at Imperial College London. I am very happy to have been given the opportunity and I look forward to continuing my studies there.

Further Maths, however, I chose because I did not wish to see other students in my year become better mathematicians. I hope this provides an insight into my extremely competitive nature.

Outside of school, I am partial to a wide variety of musical activities. I am in a choir at St. Mary and St. Nicholas Church, Spalding; and a brass band in Holbeach. I am currently working on my grade 8 piano, having previously achieved distinctions up to grade 6; and my interests extend to privately composing my own music, with a current catalogue of beyond 20 opera.

If you have an queries pertaining to the following, please do not hesitate to contact me at alexander@lambdastudy.com:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Further Mathematics
  • University Applications

That’s all from me, and I wish you all well with your studies.